Friday, April 9, 2010

And then my new Macbook

Its simply awsome.I dont have any other word to explain.Intel core 2duo processor, 2gb Ram with the latest operating system snow leopard.It has got a magical mouse which is a single touchpad.If I want to click any of the right mouse function then I have to press two fingers at a time.To minimize I can use four fingers and drag It up.Great naa?....And you know the funny thing is that I can play four movies in a single player at a time which I have never seen in any other windows laptop.It comes with the long lasting battery which gives backup for more than 7 hrs.

We got many softwares like adobe photoshop (CS4),Garadge Band (A music software),I movie n adobe premiere (Video editing softwares),Latest Microsoft Office version etc absolutely free.I got one year protection under which everything except Battery and Screen is replaceable.

Watchiong movie is a great experience on macbook as it has got LED screen.Speakers are even good.I must tell you It feels like watching a movie in a

We have a wrong perception here in India that Mac's are very difficult to operate but It isn't true.In fact Its very simple compared to existing windows versions.It dosent have any registry edit.Watever is there is very much transperent.Nothing hidden.If I have to uninstall any software then I juz have to drag and drop it into the trash.....No need to go into control panel-Remove hardware programme and then uninstall......Infact It dosent have control panel....So easy know?...

You know the fantastic feature of this Macbook?....It has got two operating systems.....Mac (snow leopard as well windows )...You can switch over to any operating system any time you want.There are some softwares which can not run on Mac's.So you juz have to switch over to the windows...O.S. and then you can access them....Can u believe this?

I would recommend everyone who wish to buy a PC.....Go for a Mac system.....They are little costlier but worth It....Ok?.....

Monday, March 29, 2010

File Sharing Programs

We came accross file sharing programmes such as limewire,emule which were free to download.Using which we could share our files with the other members and vice versa.It turned out to be a major source of softwares,music,movies,games etc.
There is one funny experience that you won't believe.There were two versions of limewire. A basic version which was free and other one was Pro version available for some dollars.Using Basic we downloaded Pro version,installed and got It registered
Then we shifted to an advanced application of peer to peer file sharing programme called Bit-torrent.It was much faster.It has become quite famous nowdays.Almost everybody using It.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Software pitracy

Yes we did It.Almost all the software companies offer you a free trial version of a software which we can install and use it for some periode say 15-30 days max.Then you have an option to buy It by making payment online or else It would get expire.we found some websites where we could get keygens (Keygeneraters) for the particular software appliation through which we could generate the registration key,enter It into the registration section of a trial software and get It registered for a life time..did u get It?registered for lifetime.hehehehe.....It worked ....We got many softwares which I could never have afford to buy.

Friday, March 26, 2010

My first Lappy (Dell Inspiron5300)

We bought dell inspiron 5300 in the year 2003-04.I really had no idea about the actual use of computer's.We used It for writing CD's,watching movies,listening to music etc..It was a latest one with windows XP home basic (O.S.).512 MB Ram,40 GB harddisk. It was in the year 2006 I was gifted a set of MS office CD's by my N.R.I.uncle.I really enjoyed learning MS word,excel,Powerpoint,outlook and other applications.He insisted me to have an internet connection and gifted me a webcam as a new year gift.
Right on the first day when I had an Internet connection I faced a virus problem.I had to take It to my hardware engineer at around 12.30 at night.He couldn't remove the trojen and he had to format the C drive of hard disk and reinstall the windows.You wont believe that we were doing It till 4.30 am.Again he installed all the basic softwares like MS Office,Power DVD along with the antivirus software (Mecafe).Of course It was a pirated version hehehe.....

My first exposure to computers..

I was 16 when I saw a computer for a first time.Sort of funny experience.I never knew what exactly do we get in cybercafes.I thought It must be a coffee shop or something like that.Then on one fine day one of my friend took me into the cybercafe and I was shocked to see those computers arranged one after another.For a moment I felt like being on the other side of the found It extremely difficult to operate.I couldn't even turn It off properly.It was windows 98 operating system.

I started visiting the cybercafe whenever I had a free time.I learnt sending emails,visiting websites,chatting etc.It turned out to be an addiction later on.I used to get Rs.50 per day which I would spend in there.It became a routine and within a year we bought a dell laptop (Inspiron 5300)....